Child abuse list

Bonomi, A.E., Cannona, E.A., Anderson, M.L., Rivarad, F.P. & Thompson, R.S. (2008) Association between self-reported health and physical and/or sexual abuse experienced before age 18, Child Abuse & Neglect, 32: 693–701.

Devaney, J. & Spratt, T. (2009) Child abuse as a complex and wicked problem: Reflecting on policy developments in the United Kingdom in working with children and families with multiple problems, Children and Youth Services Review, 31, (6): 635-641.

Champion, J.D. (2011) Context of sexual risk behaviour among abused ethnic minority adolescent women, International Nursing Review 58: 61–67.

Easton, S.D., Coohey, C., O’leary, P., Zhang, Y. & Hua, L. (2011) The Effect of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Psychosexual Functioning During Adulthood, Journal of Family Violence 26: 41–50.

Everson, M.D. (1997) Understanding Bizarre, Improbable, and Fantastic Elements in Children's Accounts of Abuse, Child Maltreatment, 2, (2): 134-149.

Fergusson, D.M., Boden, J.M. & Horwood, L.J. (2008) Exposure to childhood sexual and physical abuse and adjustment in early adulthood, Child Abuse & Neglect, 32: 607–619.

Fitzpatrick, M., Carr, A., Dooley, B., Flanagan-Howard, R., Flanagan, E., Tierney, K., White, M., Daly, M., Shevlin, M. & Egan, J. (2010) Profiles of Adult Survivors of Severe Sexual, Physical and Emotional Institutional Abuse in Ireland, Child Abuse Review, 19: 387–404.

Fryd, V.G. (2009) Visual Stimuli for Traumatic Memories: An Academic and Personal Memoir, Traumatology, 15, (4): 5–14.

Gilbert, R., Widom, C.S., Browne, K., Fergusson, D., Webb, E. & Janson, S. (2009) Burden and consequences of child maltreatment in high-income countries, The Lancet; 373: 68–81.

Leclerc, B., Proulx, J. & Beauregard, E. (2009) Examining the modus operandi of sexual offenders against children and its practical implications, Aggression and Violent Behavior, 14: 5–12.

Legano, L., McHugh, M.T. and Palusci, V.J. (2009) Child Abuse and Neglect, Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care, 39: 31.e1-31.e26.

Lev-Wiesel, R. (2008) Child sexual abuse: A critical review of intervention and treatment modalities, Children and Youth Services Review, 30: 665–673.

Miltenberg, R. & Singer, E. (1997) The (ab)use of reliving childhood traumata. Theory and Psychology, 7, (5), 605-628.

Noll, J.G. (2008) Sexual abuse of children: Unique in its effects on development? Child Abuse & Neglect, 32: 603–605.

Noll, J.G., Trickett, P.K., Harris, W.W., & Putnam, F.W. (2008) The Cumulative Burden Borne by Offspring Whose Mothers Were Sexually Abused as Children: Descriptive Results From a Multigenerational Study, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 24, (3): 424-449.

O’Donohue, W., Benuto, L. & Fanetti, M. (2010) Children’s Allegations of Sexual Abuse: A Model for Forensic Assessment, Psychological Injury and Law, 3: 148–154.

Priebe, G. & Svedin, C.G. (2008) Child sexual abuse is largely hidden from the adult society: An epidemiological study of adolescents’ disclosures, Child Abuse & Neglect, 32: 1095–1108.

Senn, T.E. & Carey, M.P. (2010) Child Maltreatment and Women’s Adult Sexual Risk Behavior: Childhood Sexual Abuse as a Unique Risk Factor, Child Maltreatment, 15(4) 324-335

Shaffer, A., Huston, L. & Egeland, B. (2008) Identification of child maltreatment using prospective and self-report methodologies: A comparison of maltreatment incidence and relation to later psychopathology, Child Abuse & Neglect, 32: 682–692.

Shin, S.H., Edwards, E.M. & Heeren, T. (2009) Child abuse and neglect: Relations to adolescent binge drinking in the national longitudinal study of Adolescent Health (AddHealth) Study, Addictive Behaviors, 34: 277–280.

Stein,R.E. & Nofziger, S.D. (2008) Adolescent Sexual Victimization Choice of Confidant and the Failure of Authorities, Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 6, (2): 158-177.

Sutterlüty, F. (2007) The genesis of violent careers, Ethnography, 8, (3): 267–296.

Williams, L.M. (1994) Recall of trauma: A prospective study of women's memories of child sexual abuse, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 62, (6) 1167-1176.