The Brown Library
Here is the list of the stuff we've got in the Brown library so far. The titles are highlighted to enable you to access the full text of the document.
Acton, G.S. (1998) Classification of psychopathology, The Nature of language, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 19, (3), 243-256.
Aldridge, J., Parker, H. & Measham, F. (1998) Rethinking young people's drug use, Health Education, 5, 164-172.
Anderson , M. (2003)
‘One flew
over the psychiatric unit’: Mental illness and the media Journal of
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 10, 297–306.
Banister, P., Burman, E., Parker, I., Taylor, M. & Tindall, C. (1994) Interviewing, In Qualitative methods in psychology: A research guide, Buckingham: Open University Press.
Banerjee, A., Daly, T., Armstrong, P., Szebehely, M., Armstrong, H. & Lafrance, S. (2012) Structural violence in long-term, residential care for older people: Comparing Canada and Scandinavia, Social Science and Medicine, 74: 390-398.
Barney, K. (1994) Limitations of the critique of the medical model, Journal of Mind and Behaivour, 15, (1 & 2), 19-34.
Bell, S.E. (1995) Gendered medical science: Producing a drug for women, Feminist Studies, 21, (3), 469-500
Beres, L. (1999) Beauty and the beast The romanticization of abuse in popular culture European Journal of Cultural Studies, 2, (2), 191-207.
Bettelheim, B. (1943) Individual and mass behaviour in extreme situations, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 38, 417-452.
Black, P. & Sharma, U. (2001) Men are real, women are made up: Beauty therapy and the construction of femininity, The Sociological Review, 49, (1), 100-116.
Bloor, M., Monaghan, L., Dobash, R.P. and Dobash, R.E. (1997) The body as a chemistry experiment: Steroid use among South Wales bodybuilders in Nettleton, S., & Watson, J. (Eds.) The body in everyday life, London: Routledge, ps. 27-44.
Bradshaw, W. (1998) Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment of Schizophrenia: A Case Study, Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Journal, 12, (1) 13-25.
Breggin, P.R. (1990) Brain damage, dementia and persistent cognitive dysfunction associated with neuroleptic drugs: Evidence, aetiology, implications, The Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 11, (3 & 4), 425-464.
Breggin, P.R. (1998) Analysis of adverse behavioural effects of benzodiazepines with a discussion on drawing scientific conclusions from the FDA's spontaneous reporting system, The Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 19, (1), 21-50.
Brown, P. (1990) The name game: Towards a sociology of diagnosis, The Journal of mind and behaviour, 11, (3 & 4), 385-406.
Burbach, F.R. and Stanbridge, R.I. (1998) A family intervention in psychosis service integrating the systemic and family management approaches Journal of Family Therapy, 20, 311-325.
Burke, M. (1995) Identities and disclosures: The case of Lesbian and Gay Police Officers, The Psychologist, December 1995.
Burstow, B. (2005) A critique of post-traumatic stress disorder and DSM, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 45, (4): 429-455.
Byrne, P. (1999) Stigma of mental illness, British Journal of Psychiatry, 174, 1-2.
Cameron, D. (1994) ECT: Sham statistics, the myth of convulsive therapy and the case for consumer misinformation, The Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 15, (1 & 2), 177-198.
Cavill, S. (1997) Forensic Psychology in a Regional Secure Unit, The Psychologist, July 1997, ps 313-315.
Cernovsky, Z. Z. (1997) A critical look at intelligence research, In Fox, D. & Prilleltensky, I. (Eds.) Critical Psychology, London: Sage, ps 121-133.
Chadwick, P. & Birchwood, M. (1996) Cognitive therapy for voices, In Haddock, G & Slade, P.D. (Eds) Cognitive Behavioural Interventions with Psychotic Disorders, London: Routledge, ps. 71-85.
Chamberlin, J. (1990) The ex-patients' movement: Where we've been and where we're going, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 11, (3 & 4), 323-336.
Chapman, R., Styles, I., Perry, L. and Combs, S. (2010) Nurses’ experience of adjusting to workplace violence: A theory of adaptation, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 19: 186–194.
Cochrane, R and Sashidharan, S.P (1995) Mental health and ethnic minorities: A review of the literature and implications for services, Birmingham: University of Birmingham and Northern Birmingham Mental Health Trust.
Cohen, D. (1994) Neuroleptic drug treatment of schizophrenia: The state of the confusion, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 15, (1 & 2), 139-156.
Cohen, D. & McCubbin, M. (1990) The political economy of tardive dyskinesia: Asymmetries in power and responsibility, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 11, (3 & 4), 465-488.
Collinson, D.L. (1992) Managing a joke, In Collinson, D.L. Managing the Shopfloor: Subjectivity Masculinity and Workplace Culture, Berlin, New York, Walter de Gruyter, pp. 105-10.
Culbertson, F. (1997) Depression and gender: An international review, American Psychologist, 52, (1), 25-31.
Cumberbatch, G. (1994) Legislating mythology: Video violence and children, Journal of Mental Health, 3, 485-494.
Cumberbatch, G. (1995) Media violence: Research evidence and policy implications, Report prepared for The Council of Europe Directorate of Human Rights, Birmingham: The Communications Research Group, Aston University.
Cutcliffe, J.R. & Hannigan, B. (2001)
Mass media,
‘monsters’ and mental health clients: the need for increased lobbying,
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 2001, 8, 315–321
Dallos, R., Neale, A. & Strouthos, M. (1997) Pathways to problems - the evolution of pathology, Journal of Family Therapy, 19, 369-399.
Edelman, M. (1974) The Political Language of the Helping Professions, Politics and Society, 4, 295-310
Ellis, C. (1995) Emotional and ethical quagmires in returning to the field, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 24, (1), 68-98.
Ellis, S.J. (1998) Is Self-Esteem Political? Feminism and Psychology, 8, (2), 251-256.
Emerick, R.E. (1996) Mad liberation: The sociology of knowledge and the ultimate civil rights movement, The Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 17, (2), 135-160.
Etzioni, D. & Niv, A. (1994) The "Magician's Predicament" as a Managerial Hazard, In Lieblich, A. & Josselson, R. (1994) (Eds.) Exploring identity and gender: The narrative study of lives, Vol. 2, London: Sage.
Everett, B. (1994) Something is happening: The contemporary consumer and psychiatric survivor movement in historical context, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 15, (1-2), 55-70.
Farber, S. (1990) Institutional mental health and social control: The ravages of epistemological hubris, The Journal of mind and Behaviour, 11, (3 & 4), 285-300.
Fatimilehin, I.A and Coleman, P.G. (1999) ‘You've Got to Have a Chinese Chef to Cook Chinese Food!!' Issues of Power and Control in the Provision of Mental Health Services, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 9, 101-117.
Finn, M.& Dell, P. (1999) Practices of body management: Transgenderism, and embodiment, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 9, 407-412.
Forrest, S., Risk, I., Masters, H. & Brown, N. (2000) Mental health service user involvement in nurse education: Exploring the issues, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 7, 51-57.
Fortune, G., Barrowclough, C. & Lobban, F. (2004) Illness representations in depression, British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 43: 347–364.
Frank, L.R. (1990) Electroshock: Death, brain damage, memory loss and brainwashing, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 11, (3 & 4), 489-512.
Garfinkel, P. (1984) Passing and the managed achievement of sex status in an "intersexed" person, in Studies in Ethnomethodology, Cambridge: Polity Press (Originally published 1967).
Gavey, N. (1993) Technologies and effects of heterosexual coercion, In Wilkinson, S. & Kitzinger, C. (eds.) Heterosexuality: A feminism and Psychology Reader, London: Sage., pp 93-119.
Giddens, A. (1992) The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, love and Eroticism, Cambridge, Polity Press, Chapter 2, Foucault on Sexuality ps. 18-36.
Giddens, A. (1992) The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, love and Eroticism, Cambridge, Polity Press, Chapter 3, Romantic love and other attachments, ps. 37-48.
Giddens, A. (1992) The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, love and Eroticism, Cambridge, Polity Press, Chapter 4, Love, commitment and the pure relationship, ps. 49-63.
Giddens, A. (1992) The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, love and Eroticism, Cambridge, Polity Press, Chapter 5, Love, sex and other addictions, ps. 64-86.
Gilbert, P. (2000) The Relationship of Shame, Social Anxiety and Depression: The Role of the Evaluation of Social Rank, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 7: 174–189.
Goodey, J. (1997) Boys don't cry, British Journal of Criminology, 37, (2), 401-418.
Gough, B. & Edwards, G. (1998) The beer talking: Four lads, a carry out and the reproduction of masculinities, The Sociological Review, 46, (2), 409-435.
Gray, B., Robinson,. C. Seddon, D. & Roberts, A. (2009) An emotive subject: insights from social, voluntary and healthcare professionals into the feelings of family carers for people with mental health problems, Health and Social Care in the Community, 17, (2): 125–132.
Grey, C. (1994) Career as a project of the self and labour process discipline, Sociology, 28, (2), 479-497.
Griffin, C. (1997) Troubled teens: Managing disorders of production and consumption, Feminist Review, no. 55, ps 4-21.
Griffiths, M. (1997) Video Games and Aggression, The Psychologist, September 1997, ps 397-401.
Groh, C.J. (2007) Poverty, Mental Health, and Women: Implications for Psychiatric Nurses in Primary Care Settings, Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 13(5), 267-274.
Groneman, C. (1994) Nymphomania: The Historical Construction of Female Sexuality, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 19, (2), 337-367.
Grotstein, J.S. (1996) Orphans of the 'Real: I. Some Modern and Postmodern Perspectives on the Neurobiological and Psychosocial Dimensions of Psychosis and Other Primitive Mental Disorders, In Allen, J.G. & Collins, D.T. (Eds.) Contemporary Treatment of Psychosis: Healing Relationships in the Decade of the Brain, New Jersey, Jason Aronson, ps.1-25.
Guilfoyle, M. (2001) Problematising psychotherapy: The discursive production of a bulimic, Culture and Psychology, 7, (2), 151-179.
Hannigan, B. (1999)
Mental health
care in the community: An analysis of contemporary public attitudes towards, and
public representations of, mental illness, Journal of Mental Health, 8, (5),
Hejtmanek, K (2010) Caring Through Restraint: Violence, Intimacy and Identity in Mental Health Practice, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 34: 668–674.
Hepworth, J. (1999) The social construction of anorexia nervosa, London: Sage Publications Inc.
Herman, N. (1993) Return to Sender: Reintegrative Stigma-Management Strategies of Ex-Psychiatric Patients, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 22 (3) 295-330.
Herman, N.J. & Musolf, G.R. (1998) Resistance among ex-psychiatric patients: Expressive and instrumental rituals, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 26, (4), 426-449.
Hollway, W. (1984) Gender difference and the production of subjectivity, In Henriques, J., Hollway, W., Venn, C., & Walkerdine, V. (Eds.) Changing the subject, London: Methuen.
Holmes, M. (2000) Second wave fenminism and the politics of relationships, Women's Studies International Forum, 23, (2) 233-246.
Hopton, J. (2006) The future of critical psychiatry, Critical Social Policy, 26, (1): 57-73.
Jacobs, D.H. (1994) Environmental failure-oppression is the only cause of psychopathology, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 15, (1 & 2), 1-18.
Jacobs, D.H. (1995) Psychiatric drugging: Forty years of pseudo-science, self interest and indifference to harm, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 16, (4), 421-470.
Jacobs, D.H. (1999) A close and critical examination of how psychopharmacotherapy research is conducted, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 20, (3), 311-350.
Jagger, E. (1997) The production of official discourse on 'glue sniffing', Journal of Social Policy, 26, (4), 445-46.
Jeon, Y.H. & Madjar, I. (1998) Caring for a Family Member With Chronic Mental Illness, Qualitative Health Research, 8, (5), 694-706.
Jones, D.W. (2002) Madness, the family and psychiatry, Critical Social Policy, 22, (2): 247–272.
Jones, I.R., Ahmed, N., Catty, J., McLaren, S., Rose, D. & Wykes, T. (2009) Illness careers and continuity of care in mental health services: A qualitative study of service users and carers, Social Science and Medicine, 69: 632-639.
Karp, D.A. (1993) Taking anti-depressant medications: Resistance, trial commitment, conversion, disenchantment, Qualitative Sociology, 16, (4), 337-359.
Kessler, R.C., Berglund, P., Demler, O., Jin, R., Merikangas, K.R. and Walters, E.E. (2005) Lifetime Prevalence and Age-of-Onset Distributions of DSM-IV Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication, Archives of General Psychiatry, 62: 593-602.
Kehily M.J. (1999) More sugar? Teenage magazines, gender displays and sexual learning, European Journal of Cultural Studies, 2, (1), 65-89.
Kirk, S.A. & Kutchins, H. (1994) The myth of the reliability of DSM, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 15, (1 & 2), 71-86.
Kirsch, I., Deacon, B.J., Huedo-Medina, T.B., Scoboria, A., Moore, T.J. Johnson, B.T. (2008) Initial Severity and Antidepressant Benefits: A Meta-Analysis of Data Submitted to the Food and Drug Administration, PLoS Medicine, 5, (2): 0260-0268, doi:10.1371/journal. pmed.0050045
Kitzinger, J. (1995)’I’m sexually attractive but I’m powerful’: Young women negotiating sexual reputation, Women’s Studies International Forum, 18, (2), 187-196.
Lacasse, J.R. & Leo, J. (2005) Serotonin and depression: A disconnect between the advertisements and the scientific literature. Public Library of Science: Medicine, 2 (12): e392.
Langford, W.(1997) You make me sick Women, men and romantic love, Journal of Contemporary Health, no. 5. 52-55.
Lloyd, S.A. & Emery, B.C. (2000) The context and dynamics of intimate aggression against women, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 17, (4 & 5), 503-521.
Luke, B. (1998) Violent love: Hunting, heterosexuality and the erotics of men's predation, Feminist Studies, 24, (3), 627-653.
Lutz, C. (1996) Engendered Emotion: Gender, Power, and the Rhetoric of Emotional Control in American Discourse, In Harre, R, & Parrot, W.G., (Eds.) The emotions, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. pp. 152-170.
McGovern J. (1996) Management of Risk in Psychiatric Rehabilitation, The Psychologist, September 1996, ps 405-408.
Mirowsky, J. (1990) Subjective boundaries and combinations in psychiatric diagnosis, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 11, (3 & 4), 407-424.
Masheter, C. (1997) Former spouses who are friends: Three case studies, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 14, (2), 207-222.
Moore, M., Yuen,H.M., Dunn, N., Mullee, M.A., Maskell, J., & Kendrick, T. (2009) Explaining the rise in antidepressant prescribing: a descriptive study using the general practice research database, British Medical Journal, 339: 952-954.
Nasser, M. (1999) The new veiling phenomenon: Is it an anorexic equivalent? Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 9, 407-412
Osherow, N. (1995) Making Sense of the Nonsensical: An Analysis of Jonestown In Aronson, E. (Ed.) Readings about the social animal (7th Ed.) New York: W H Freeman.
Owen, M. (1997) Re-inventing romance: Reading popular romantic fiction, Women’s Studies International Forum, vol. 20, no. 4, ps 537-546.
Parker, H. Williams, J. & Aldridge, J. (2002) The normalisation of sensible recreational drug use, Sociology, 35, (4), 141-164.
Pam, A. (1994) The new schizophrenia: Diagnosis and dynamics of the homeless mentally ill, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 15, (3), 199-222.
Pejlert, A. (2001) Being a parent of an adult son or daughter with severe mental illness receiving professional care: parents’ narratives, Health and Social Care in the Community, 9, (4), 194–204.
Philo, G., Secker, J., Platt, S., Henderson, L., McLaughlin, G. & Burnside, J. (1996) Media images of mental distress, In Heller, T., Reynolds, J., Gomm, R., Muston, R., & Pattison, S. (Eds) Mental Health Matters: A Reader, London: Macmillan/OUP ps 163-170.
Pilgrim, D. (2002) The biopsychosocial model in Anglo-American psychiatry: Past, present and future? Journal of Mental Health, 11, (6): 585–594.
Pilgrim, D. & Bentall, R. (1999) The medicalisation of misery: A critical realist analysis of the concept of depression, Journal of Mental Health, 8 (3): 261-274.
Prilleltensky, I. (1992) Humanistic psychology, human welfare an the social order, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 13, (4), 315-328.
Potts A. (1998) The Science/Fiction of Sex: John Gray's Mars and Venus in the Bedroom Sexualities, 1, (2), 153-173.
Roberts, C., Kippax, S., Spongberg, M. & Crawford, J. (1997) 'Going Down': Oral Sex, Imaginary Bodies and HIV, Body and Society, 2, (3) 107-124.
Roberts, C., Kippax, S., Waldby, C. & Crawford, J. (1995) Faking it: The Story of "Ohh!" Women's Studies International Forum, 18, (5/6), 523-532.
Romme, M. & Escher, S. (1996) Empowering people who hear voices, In Haddock, G & Slade, P.D. (Eds) Cognitive Behavioural Interventions with Psychotic Disorders, London: Routledge, ps. 137-150.
Rosier, M. (1974) Asking Silly Questions, In Armistead, N. (Ed.) Reconstructing Social Psychology, Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Sapsford, R. & Dallos, R. (1998) Resisting Social Psychology: in Sapsford, R., Still, A., Wetherell, M., Miell, D., Stevens, R. (Eds.) (1998) Theory and Social Psychology, London, Sage in association with the Open University Press. ps. 191-208.
Sarbin, T. (1990) Toward the obsolescence of the schizophrenia hypothesis, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 11, (3 & 4), 259-284.
Scheff, T.(2001) Shame and Community: Social Components in Depression, Psychiatry, 64 (3): 212-224.
Schrager, C.D. (1993) Questioning the promise of self help: A reading of ‘Women who love too much’ Feminist Studies, 19, (1), 177-192.
Shackleford, T.K. & Buss, D.M. (1997) Anticipation of marital dissolution as a consequence of spousal infidelity, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 14, (6), 793-808.
Shiner, M. & Newburn, T. (1997) Definitely, maybe not? The normalisation of drug use among young people, Sociology, 31, (3) 511-529.
Smith, A.C.H., Immirizi, E. & Blackwell, T. (1975) Introduction, In Paper Voices: The Popular Press and Social Change 1935-1965, London: Chatto and Windus.
Sonnett, E.(2000) ‘Erotic fiction by women for women’: The pleasures of post feminist heterosexuality Sexualities, 2 (2) 167-187.
Spanos, N. (1994) Multiple Identity Enactments and Multiple Personality Disorder: A Socio-cognitive Perspective Psychological Bulletin, 116, (1), 143-165.
Stacey, J and Thorne, B. (1993) The Missing Feminist Revolution in Sociology In Kaufman, L.S. (Ed.) American Feminist Thought: At Century's End, Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Stone, M., Laughren, T., Jones, M.L., Levenson, M., Holland, PC., Hughes, A., Hammad, T.A., Temple, R. & Rochester, G. (2009) Risk of suicidality in clinical trials of antidepressants in adults: analysis of proprietary data submitted to US Food and Drug Administration, British Medical Journal, 339: 431-434.
Susko, M.A. (1994) Caseness and narrative: Contrasting approaches to people who are psychiatrically labelled, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 15, (1 & 2), 87-112.
Sussman, T. (1996) Gay Men in the Workplace: Issues for Mental Health Counselors, Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity, 1, (3), 193-211.
Thorogood, N. (2000) Sex education as disciplinary technique: Policy and practice in England and Wales, Sexualities, 3, (4), 425-438.
Turkington, D. & Kingdon, D. (1996) Using a normalising rationale in the treatment of schizophrenic patients, In Haddock, G & Slade, P.D. (Eds) Cognitive Behavioural Interventions with Psychotic Disorders, London: Routledge, ps. 71-85.
U'Ren, R. (1997) Psychiatry and capitalism, Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 18, (1), 1-12.
Verhaak, P.F.M., Schellevis, F.G., Nuijen, J. and Volkers, A.C. (2006)
Patients with a psychiatric disorder in general practice: determinants of general practitioners’ psychological diagnosis, General Hospital Psychiatry, 28: 125–132.Walby, S. (1994) Towards a Theory of Patriarchy, In Polity Press (Eds.) (1994) The Polity Reader in Gender Studies, Cambridge: Polity Press.
Walker, B.M. (1997) 'You learn it from your mates, don't you?': Young people's conversations about sex as a basis for peer education, Youth and Policy, no 57, ps 44-55
Wall, C.J. & Leary, P.G. (1999) A Sentence Made by Men: Muted Group Theory Revisited, The European Journal of Women's Studies, 6, 21-29.
Wesley, J., Allison, M.T. and Schneider, I.E. (2000) The lived body experience of domestic violence survivors, Women's Studies International Forum, 23, 211-227.
Williamson, G.M. & Silverman, J.G. (2001) Violence against female partners: Direct and interactive effects of family history, communal orientation, and peer related variables Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 18, (4), 535-549.
Whittington, R. (2002) Attitudes toward patient aggression amongst mental health nurses in the ‘zero tolerance’ era: associations with burnout and length of experience, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 11, 819-825.
Wood, J.T. (2001) The normalisation of violence in heterosexual romantic relationships: Women's narratives of love and violence, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 18, (2), 239-261.
Woolfolk, R. (2001) The Concept of Mental Illness: An Analysis of Four Pivotal Issues The Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 22, (2), 161-178.
Yannay, N. & Shazar, G. (1998) Professional feelings as emotional labour, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 27, (3), 346-347.
Yusupoff, L. & Tarrier, N. (1996) Coping strategy enhancement for resistant hallucinations and delusions, In Haddock, G & Slade, P.D. (Eds) Cognitive Behavioural Interventions with Psychotic Disorders, London: Routledge, ps. 71-85.
Zachar, P. (2000) Psychiatric disorders are not natural kinds, Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology, 7, (3): 167-182.
Zimmerman, J. (1997) The flight from cool: American Men and Romantic Love in the 1950s, The history of the family, An international quarterly, 2, (1): 31-47.