Lay theories and folk psychologies
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Allen, D. (2000) ‘I’ll tell you what suits me best if you don’t mind me saying’: ‘lay participation’ in health-care, Nursing Inquiry, 7, 182–190.
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Furnham, A., Pereira, E. & Rawles, R. (2001) Lay theories of psychotherapy: perceptions of the efficacy of different ‘cures’ for specific disorders, Psychology, Health and Medicine 6, (1), 77-84.
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Levy, S.R., Chiu, C. and Hong, Y. (2006) Lay Theories and Intergroup Relations, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 9, (1): 5–24.
Levy, S.R., West, T.R., Ramirez, L. & Karafantis, D.L. (2006) The Protestant Work Ethic: A Lay Theory with Dual Intergroup Implications, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 9, (1): 95–115.
Levy, S.R., West, T.L. and Ramirez, L. (2005) Lay theories and intergroup relations: A social-developmental perspective, European Review of Social Psychology, 16: 189-220.
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Rayner, G. & Warner,S. (2003) Self-harming behaviour: from lay perceptions to clinical practice, Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 16, (4): 305–329.
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Rydstedt, L.W., Devereux, J. and Furnham, A.F. (2004) Are lay theories of work stress related to distress? A longitudinal study in the British workforce,
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Walker, R.L., Lester, D. & Joe, S. (2006) Lay Theories of Suicide: An Examination of Culturally Relevant Suicide Beliefs and Attributions Among African Americans and European Americans, Journal of Black Psychology, 32 (3): 320-334.
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