Papers and materials relating to qualitative methods


Handout from the session on 16/11/09 is here


A quotes and extracts handout is here



Beard, R.L., Knauss J. & Moyer, D. (2009)  Managing disability and enjoying life: How we reframe dementia through personal narratives.  Journal of Aging Studies 23: 227–235.


Bolin, G. (1999) Producing cultures – The construction of forms and contents of contemporary youth cultures Young, 7: 50-65.


Cook, K.E. (2005) Using Critical Ethnography to Explore Issues in Health Promotion, Qualitative Health Research, 15, 129-138.


DiPardo, A. (1990) Narrative Knowers, Expository Knowledge: Discourse as a dialectic, Written Communication, 7: 59-95.


Drew, P., Chatwin, J. & Collins, S. (2001) Conversation analysis: A method for research into interactions between patients and health care professionals, Health Expectations, 4, 58-70.


Garfinkel, P. (1984) Passing and the managed achievement of sex status in an "intersexed" person, in Studies in Ethnomethodology, Cambridge: Polity Press (Originally published 1967).


Fine, G.A. (1993) Ten lies of ethnography: Moral dilemmas of field research, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 22, (3): 267-294.


Gough, B. & Edwards, G. (1998) The beer talking: Four lads, a carry out and the reproduction of masculinities, The Sociological Review, 46, (2), 409-435.


Giorgi, A. (2005) The Phenomenological Movement and Research in the Human Sciences, Nursing Science Quarterly, 18, (1): 75-82.


Guignon, C. (1998) Narrative Explanation in Psychotherapy, American Behavioural Scientist, 41: 558-577.


Hefferon, K.M. and Ollis, S. (2006) 'Just clicks': an interpretive phenomenological analysis of professional dancers' experience of flow, Research in Dance Education, 7, (2), 141-159.


Heritage, J. & Stivers, T. (1999) Online commentary in acute medical visits: a method of shaping patient expectations, Social Science & Medicine, 49, 1501-1517


Horton, S. (2007) Toward an Ethnography of the Uninsured: Gay Becker's Work in Progress, Medical Anthropology, 26, (4), 293-298


Jumisko, E., Lexell, J. and Söderberg, S. (2007) Living With Moderate or Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: The Meaning of Family Members' Experiences, Journal of Family Nursing, 13: 353-369


Larsen, J.A. (2007) Understanding a complex intervention: Person-centred ethnography in early psychosis, Journal of Mental Health, 16, (3), 333-345.


Laurier, E. (1999) Talking about cigarettes: conversational narratives of health and illness, Health, 3: 189-207.


McLean, T.L. (2008) Framing and Organizational Misconduct: A Symbolic Interactionist Study. Journal of Business Ethics, 78: 3–16.


Martins, D.C. (2008) Experiences of Homeless People in the Health Care Delivery System: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study, Public Health Nursing 25 (5): 420–430


Moss D. (2006) Masculinity as Masquerade, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 54: 1187-1194


Read, T. & Wuest, J. (2007) Daughters Caring for Dying Parents: A Process of Relinquishing, Qualitative Health Research, 17, 932-944.


Ross, A. & Chiasson, M.W. (2005) A call to (Dis)order: An ethnomethodological study of information technology ‘‘Disruptions’’ in the courtroom. Information and Organization, 15: 203–227


Rundell, J. (2004) Imaginings, narratives and otherness: On the critical Hermeneutics of Richard Kearney, Thesis Eleven, 73: 97-111.


Savage, J. (2000) Ethnography and health care, British Medical Journal, 321: 1400-1402.


Taylor, E. (1999) An Intellectual Renaissance of Humanistic Psychology? Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 39: 7-25.


Thorne, S. (2000) Data analysis in qualitative research, Evidence-Based Nursing, 3, 68-70.


Ross, A. & Chiasson, M.W. (2005) A call to (Dis)order: An ethnomethodological study of information technology ‘‘Disruptions’’ in the courtroom. Information and Organization, 15: 203–227.


Till, K.E. (2008) Artistic and activist memory-work: Approaching place-based practice, Memory Studies, 1: 99-113.


Tsoukas, H. & Hatch, M.J. (2001) Complex thinking, complex practice: The case for a narrative approach to organizational complexity, Human Relations, 54: 979-1013.


Valdez, A., Neaigus, A. & Kaplan, C.D. (2008) The Influence of Family and Peer Risk Networks on Drug Use Practices and Other Risks among Mexican American Non-injecting Heroin Users, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 37, (1): 79-107



Wojnar, D.M. & Swanson, K.M. (2007) Phenomenology: An exploration, Journal of Holistic Nursing, 25: 172-180.