What do I do?
De Montfort Teaching Duties
I am teaching:
Mental Health and Society, PSYC3200 This module was taught from 1996 to 2014. Materials are left here because people are still using them.
I contributed to Conceptual Issues and Critical Debates PSYC3031 in the spring term of 2012. They're left up because people were still accessing them so they must be useful to someone.
There are resources for HEST5001 Research Designs in Health here
Materials about intercultural communication are here
There are some resources for the seminar about social policy and psychology here
Here are some things relating to my contribution to the social work programme in the autumn of 2007
There are some items here from the contribution I made to the police course here
There are some items relating to qualitative methods for postgraduate students here
Research interests
Language in health care settings
I am currently involved with some colleagues from Birmingham and Nottingham Universities in a project concerning language use in mental health settings from the point of view of the large-scale social functions it affords. This has involved developing a theoretical basis for studying the 'linguistic entrapment' of patients, and some empirical work concerning how nursing students use language in relation to patients of different genders and ethnic groups. We have also studied the acquisition of technical vocabularies by psychiatric nurses in training and how this signals the acquisition of professional ideologies. This has also yielded a book, published in September 1998 outlining our position and reviewing the literature. Current research involvement includes developing books on the philosophical basis of health care research, the experience of illness, a study of language surrounding MRSA and avian flu, and a study of madness and how it is represented in modern fiction.
The study of people's narratives in health care, either as staff or patients has also yielded a good deal of insight into the organisational culture of health care at a time of rapid change, chiefly amongst nurses, but also involving other mental health staff. This is both historical and contemporary (Brown et al 2000a; 2000b Brown & Crawford, 2003, Crawford et al, 2002a; 2002b), and has led to one of my more recent books Evidence based health communication For all the publications, and some texts available for download, go here